Reconnecting to Network Drives (R: and T:)
- Suwanee Employees - Make sure your laptop is either connected to the network via your docking or use one of the corporate WIFI networks (HQ or Warehouse)
- Remote Employees - Make sure your laptop is connected to the Internet, and you are connected to the corporate VPN.
1) Right Click the start menu button in the bottom left hand corner and select "file explorer" (It's below "settings" and above "search")
2) Click on "This PC" on the left hand pane. Then Computer next to "file" then "Map network drive" now "map network drive"
3) R: drive mapping. Select the drop down for R: For folder type in "\\pg-dc19\shared" Click Finish.
4) T: drive mapping. Select the drop down for T: folder type in "\\corp-svr\shared" Click Finish.